Green Peas
The pea is a climbing plant of the Legume family. The edible part is the seed that we can find inside the pods.
One of the first plants, after cereals, to be cultivated by people and originated from the Mediterranean area.
One of the most nutritious vegetables that we can find, it provides the organism with:
- Minerals as iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.
- Vitamins C, K, and A.
- Have several properties that may help prevent and treat some chronic diseases.
- Contain an impressive amount of fiber which has been shown to provide many benefits for digestive health.
- They lower your cholesterol level
Vima Green Peas are selected in different European countries and thanks to freezing it’s available all year round without losing any of its properties.
The pea is previously blanched, this helps to maintain the properties of the pea, inactivating enzymes that would modify its organoleptic characteristics and reduces microorganisms.
Being a frozen blanched product the preparation time is shorter.
Presented in different formats according to the customer’s needs.
Available in:
- 450g/15.8 OZ
- 1kg/32.5 OZ
- 2.5kg