Salmon is a blue fish that is born in fresh water, migrates to the ocean to grow and returns to the rivers to reproduce.
It is mainly fished in the cold waters of the northern hemisphere, and they have managed to develop remarkably in captivity in open waters.
Norway and Chile are the main world producers, their cold and clean waters are ideal for their development.
Salmon meat is very versatile, pink in colour, tasty and aromatic and represents one of the foods with the highest nutritional value. It contains, among other things:
The Atlantic Salmon is the only species whose natural habitat is the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, with the rest of the species originating in the Pacific Ocean.
Due to its high quality and flavor, at Vima we offer the following varieties:
Both are very versatile and allow for many and varied presentations. At Vima we also offer portions, slices and whole gutted salmon.
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