Mashed potatoes are made from cooked potatoes that are mashed or pressed. They are an easy and low-calorie way to eat potatoes.
Due to its consistency, it is ideal for those who have difficulty chewing.
To complement its flavor, it can be combined with minced meat, mashed or sautéed vegetables, cheese, etc.
The potato is the tuber where the plant Solanum Tuberosum It stores all its nutrients. Originally from America, it reached Europe in the 16th century and has subsequently spread throughout the world. The largest producers today are in Asia.
It is a basic and highly nutritious food because it is a source of carbohydrates, which release energy slowly and reduce the feeling of hunger, so they can help regulate your weight.
It also contributes to a varied diet, providing:
- Fiber that improves intestinal function.
- Vitaminas del grupo B que son necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento de la circulación, el metabolismo, etc.
- Vitamina C necesaria para el sistema inmunitario.
- Minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.
- Antioxidants that protect against free radicals
– Gluten free –
El puré de patata en copos Vima no necesita refrigeración porque está formado principalmente por patata deshidratada envasada en atmósfera protectora.
Es un producto elaborado con patatas de alta calidad (del centro de Europa) con un porcentaje de humedad muy bajo, lo cual hace que sea muy concentrado, así que se obtendrá un alto rendimiento al prepararlo.
Se cocina rehidratando los copos: hervir agua y retirar del fuego, añadir leche, salpimentar y se añaden los copos removiendo lentamente. Además se puede añadir sabor incluyendo especias al gusto.
- 1kg/35.2 OZ
- 5kg/176 OZ
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